Ryan Hudson, Founder

Alex Parsons, Co-Founder

Crystal Parsons, Co-Founder

Runnells Paintball is an organization which will hopefully one day be a successful business. Our aim is to bring back woodsball-paintball to the Eastern areas of the Des Moines metro in Iowa.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

2011 News

2011 is looking to be a great year for Runnells Paintball! Although the startup of this organization and field has been gradual, we will be taking larger steps forward this year into improving things.


We will be receiving 1-3 large cement culverts (8 feet long, 4 feet tall, 4 feet diameter) to be delivered to our desired location(s) on our field!! This is a generous donation and will not only provide additional cover, it will tremendously open up the field as they will be used as one or multiple bridges across the large areas of the creek. This will cut out some of the previous limitations that we've had, and will also require new strategic thinking to those playing!

Along with the cement culverts, we have more material to add to the course. Once the winter weather dies off, we will be announcing our 2011 "Big Spring Clean Up Day", and we can use all the help we can get for this. We'll be constructing many more barricades and building up and around the new bridges with the goal of cutting out large portions of "no-man's land". Most importantly, we'll be focusing very heavily on landscaping, brush clearing, and weed killing to eliminate impassible terrain and make the field much nicer to play on. We will be applying weed killer as well as taking chainsaws, clippers, axes, rakes, and the like to the terrain to make sure the woods feel stays but the annoyances go.

Game News

We plan to play MORE games this year! Due to scheduling conflicts in the past, we have been limited on the days of the week we can host games. This year, however, we will be able to host games on Saturdays to ensure the most people can make it. We will have the capacity to refill CO2, we should have a few more guns for rental, and we plan to have a more comfortable resting area/safe zone that provides shade and places to store personal items as well as food and beverages. We also are going to be doing EVERYTHING possible to ensure that a night game(s) take(s) place.


Airsoft, being an enjoyable and more affordable hobby (that unfortunately requires more close quarters combat), is in the talks with Runnells Paintball. Although our aim is paintball, there is the possibility of incorporating and constructing an airsoft arena near our paintball field. We will keep updates coming as things develop.


PLEASE, if you have any interest in helping with the field or partaking in our games, let us know. Post on the Runnells Paintball wall on Facebook, or contact Ryan Hudson, Alex Parsons, or Crystal Parsons personally. Thanks for reading!

Runnells Paintball on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/group.php?gid=337131210304
(Feel free to contact one of the admins of this group)

Direct Email - runnellspaintball@gmail.com