Ryan Hudson, Founder

Alex Parsons, Co-Founder

Crystal Parsons, Co-Founder

Runnells Paintball is an organization which will hopefully one day be a successful business. Our aim is to bring back woodsball-paintball to the Eastern areas of the Des Moines metro in Iowa.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


We'll be hosting the "official" opening games for Runnells Paintball very soon! There will be an evening series of games, including a Scenario Game, on Monday, May 24, 2010 starting at 6pm. For those daring enough, there will also be a night scenario game when it gets dark!!! We'll also have games on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 starting at 11am until 4pm.

You must receive approval from an admin in order to attend one of these games. For more information, see the "Runnells Paintball" group on Facebook.
